Women's Ministry
Women have been a vital part of the ongoing ministry of the Church since its humble beginning. Their ministries now reach around the world with a multiplicity of emphases and focuses including prayer, Bible study, local and world missions, covenant team ministry (providing assistance to mission states and regions), benevolence, ministry to both young girls and senior adults, fund-raising, printed resource materials, and social issues that affect women.
People and Ministry
Women’s Ministries is an inviting organization open to the needs of women. We focus on people and ministry rather than organizational structure. Each woman may choose to participate according to her needs, interests and gifts as she is led by the Spirit of God.
Personal Development Ministries
providing opportunities for each woman to become and develop as God’s person: deepening her faith, developing her gifts and becoming a more effective Christian disciple and steward. (Romans 12:1-2)
Church and Community Ministries
providing opportunities for women to build God’s faith community: developing relationships and meeting the physical and spiritual needs of others in their homes and their communities. (Ephesians 4:25 and Luke 4:16-19
We exist to encourage, equip, promote, and challenge women in their journey as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His Church and to bring women’s unique perspectives to the issues facing the Church.